
Showing posts from April, 2008


A concept very subjective and an Idea of mind. Some might think it a chaos, while the other can just sail through … Just a state of mind depending on how much you can tolerate. A level of tolerance is the noise you perceive. The noises you feel in the sounds you hear. Or the noise in chaotic sequence of colors. Or the versions of truth stored in your mind Battling each other at the same point of time. The feeling of loss for the lost which was never gained. Punishing the Self, for emotions untamed. The clutter – which was always there but never perceived, Is the noise. The state of mind.

Emotional Crisis

Asking questions to myself and then making assumptions. Based on my restricted knowledge of controlled exposure to the world outside. Getting ideas - confirming my theories. Again ! Asking questions I am - to Myself. Doubting - contradicting and never reaching any conclusion I am. Still, At every moment, I can not keep it waiting – the life. So I decide, the best choice, at that moment. Play by the rules, almost all the times And Lead a life, Yet again at another moment. On that hormonal surge, I doubt and question myself. Find guilty – No matter what, Pass on the verdict. Yet again – Who am I to do so to myself. Or anyone Else. When I am nothing but and emotional crisis at that moment or this. Guided controlled yet naturally it flows…

Emotional Crisis


The Female - succumbing to the Male Power Yet - Revenging its Weakness. Making Love Transforming into another, molding itself. Melting into one. Giving up - Letting go yet, Catching up - Failing so. Yet winning somehow or other. Getting together. Chocking yet breathing – Breathing for air. For a fair-share. Breaking down yet every part of it just getting stronger. Power of love or just an action – A tussle of power. A war of equals – generating life and eternal energy Collapsing to feelings - with passing of moments the feelings fleeting. An action of love or sheer molding of masses. A process Naturale or Passage eternal?