
Showing posts from November, 2010


समय की धार पर, जैसे तलवार पर चलते चलते आ गए हैं हम इतनी दूर जहाँ से लौटने के असार तो नहीं पर बेलगाम मन को, चाहत है जरुर


मन हो कमल के पत्ते सा ढलक जाए छूकर बस हर एक भावना अच्छी या बुरी कोई भी कैसी भी और रह जाए मन जस का तस न हो तर ये मेरा मन और डूबा ले जाए भावनाए इन्हें गहरे और गहरे जहाँ डूब जाये साथ कमल भी

Who likes rain – I do.

It is a cloudy and rainy day, to everybody else it’s kind of dull, depressing and they cannot wait for the sun to be out again. Knowing that tomorrow is going to be a similar day only makes them feel further miserable. Not to me though. I have written so many poems in my past and posted them on blog of how I love rains. I feel as if these clouds filled with rain are looking down on me and playing, waiting for me to come out and they will soak me. I also feel like a peacock sometimes and wish to spread my wings and dance in the rain. The clouds seem to have made a tent, and in a way it is trying to accomplish a sense of intimacy with world. Aha! A natural trick, who know? No wonder every time I heard the song “Rain, Rain Go away” I thought it is kind of rude to say that. Well, I was just talking to somebody and listening to her complains about rain, which I couldn’t agree. I said “I smiled every time I got in the car today and turned wipers on”. It feels so wonderful to me. “Oh! You mi

Aapko aunty chahiye??

Don’t be too shocked at the title, this is the first line I heard at least 55 times I picked up my cell phone after posting the Ad for babysitter on Yes, It s 6 months now that I started working again after about 8 month of break at home. I work for a mid-size pharmaceutical company in Edison, which is about 3 miles from my home and a compelling reason to start working again. When I started, I had a friend’s mom who offered to provide babysitting and it worked out well for 4 months. He got the love and affection of grand parents and care of being at home. Nothing could have been better than that. As nothing lasts forever, they had to go back home to India and I started looking for a babysitter. We were not considering day care at all with approaching winter followed by viral attacks especially on younger kids. My other option was to get any baby sitter and request my MIL to come. So I start spreading words to mouth, I talk with many of my friends; neighbors try to get ref