Not Angry anymore...

Has anyone known this?
Something I feel these days.
The fear of my anger.
From Myself.
No I am not going to do it again.
Never again.
And better - that I dont feel like doing it anymore.
Rather - I cant anymore.
Something inside...changed in a look.
In a flash - Like a wink.
Something that was so deep rooted.
Pulled out and one single shot.
And now I am a new myself.
All Pleasant - Happy.
Calm and Nice.
Be Pleasant - Be Pleasant Always be Pleasant.
Be Pleasant - Be Pleasant Always be Pleasant.
I hear this inside my head - buzzing.
And Its soothing.
But then Why do I feel shaking?
My legs going numb - everytime I laught at things.
I would usually be Fire at.
Has Someone Felt this too??


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