Optimism - II

Light at the end of Tunnel
And Cloud with a silver lining
Heard it so many times
But never beleived in those.
I always look around and realised
How dark it is.
Inside and Around Me.
Always trying to analyse things in the dark.
and Getting confused.
Taking rope for the snake.
and Honey for Fire.
Keeping things to myself.
With the Fear of Loss.
Loss of what??
Fear to lose the fear.
I shut down myself in that closet.
Sulking - Thinking.
I do not deserve to see any other color.
But this darkness all around me.
What an Excuse??
To save from Shedding all the inhibition.
Feel Free from all those fears.
Monsters of Mind - In this closet.
all those guilts - looming larger.
over head.
Take the Step out.
The end of tunnel is close.
And so is the world.
Full of Light.
Full of Couds - Full with rain.
Waiting for you to see them.
Eager to rain on you.
Drench you.
Clense and heal those wounds.
Those dont deserve to stay any longer.
Get out.
The whole new world is waiting for you.
And you have just one life to Live.


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