Traffic Today

Everyday morning I rush
With chores and My Kid-My Tresure,I beleive!
To get to work-just in Time.
Hate to be late - it hurts me always.
I fear the demon of Losing the time.
I rush - I rush,Get on the road.
It Rains,It Snows
Sometimes its Pleasent also Outside.
Construction on Road-Gets me stuck.
In Traffic for long.
I feel silly and dumb.
My car engine-Going Numb.
I look around - Turning heat on high.
As temterature dips-We (me and my kid)
Shiver-Complain - Rub Together our hands.
I se that Workmen - Work-women Rather
Standing with STOP sign
my son reads that and tells me the shape
while i look at her
in her Yellow Vest.
Did she have a kid-sleeping at home.
When she came to work early today.
Could she give him breakfast.
Can she afford to drop her kid.
To best childcare?
of she depended on somebody Family?
Did her husband assured-he will take care of her?
Does she know-When will she eat her lunch?
Light turns green and she turns as well.
Face like a rock.
Cold she looks.
I hear a honk.
And I move on.
To enjoy the life.
At its fullest.
After all - We have one life to Live.
Says the RJ on Radio.
Every Morning!


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