
RE/MAX Frames Training @ Sheraton , Dec the 12th 2007.
No big deal-As the training was free for Ofice Managers and Owners.I was registed and was supposed to attend with the owner.Who thought It wasnt necessary for him to attend and so I was all set to go representing my office to learn and help my office in future.Basically to avoid any clash with regional offices in payments in future.
I left home little earlier than usual as I was supposed to get there by 8:30 AM.
Dropped my son-dressed in suit-skirt I pass the hotel and get to office to get a notepad and pen.How dumb!!Well It was 5 mins detour.I park and walk in-strange feeling is it,Walking in a hotel for a seminar,First time in my life it was.Again - Whats the big deal.
I ask at reception about it -they ask me to go upstairs , I go and ask another lady and guess what!! Meet Stacey with whom I had couple of Arguments in past,Frames Manager from Regional office.It was fun meeting them casually,finally.I search for my real name in list its not there but my nick name is and so is my label ready - to go on my grey suit.
As I enter I grab some breakfast and a coffee-I need it bad!!
Not too many people inside by then I go in the last row,to avoid any attention I might get.
Soon the room fills up and guess what-Once its all full,I am the only indian!!!
In New Jersey - How come?2 odd Chienese guys come - all dressed with a very sharp and I-am-not-here-for-fun look , and then not more than 5 African-Americans.Its all White!WOW.
Well soon we were requested to move forward toa djust seating , i leave for the row in front of me and this stout white men wont make least effort to get me moving after saying "Excuse me" loud enough.Does it take more than speking to get you heard if you are of not-so-common race in th crowd? Is it the racism - they talk about!
Soon I talk with a really warm and successful person who sits next to me and greets me before grabbing the chair.An owner of 4 Offices in South Jersey.His staff is with him,Karen who is from UK basically and we talk a lot during the break.There is an old & cold lady who doesnt greet smile or talk for 1 hr until she needs water and she asks me for pitcher.I dont waste a minute and start talking to her.She is doing what she is doing since >15 years.
WOW Again!
Welcome to America is what I felt by this attendance.I cant say I dint like it.It was exciting - First of this kind interaction in USA,after living more than 5 years here.Not that i was waiting for this-As I never knew about it before.One thing is clear-If i wish to hang on here and be part of the system .
Also-Its ok & better "not to have a license".


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