Life at Citi

Life at Citi Well talking about life at Citi, Its hasn't been a very long time todescribe at much length. I have just finished 6 weeks and taken 2 daysoff. But since I am a story teller I can make out a lot out to tellabout it, various insignificant and interesting things. That's also partof me. It was a fine summer morning when I received this interview call which Itook from the parking lot of my old job I had. I was elated as I doubtedthey would even see my resume with all the irrelevant experiencespossible to the position I had applied for. And I shared my excited as Ithought that's the part of getting excited and nothing is there beyondit. I enjoyed the moment with my few close friends and family. Plannedmy trip to Seattle next week for a wee k after 3 weeks passed by and Iinformally quit my job that I hated almost every day (Except for thedays I wasn't obliged to work). And I receive this call for anotherinterview, well I can not make it as I am leaving for Seattle and ofcourse they can't wait for me till I come back. Fine - I assume I closedthe chapter and I travel with a sense of relief looking forward to mylife after return from Seattle- A life peaceful and plentiful with mydear Son. I had the most wonderful time there with my family, mostlysitting in front yard eating grass drinking coffee, doing pillow fights,painting and making bubbles with kids. Watching movies late in thenight, shopping, site seeing (as there are plenty) and planning birthdayparty for my nephew. Can there be any thing better!No luck - As I get another call for interview on the day I am arrivingback to NY, What! Can't they find anyone else, I mean there are so manyunemployed people out there, check the statistics. Well I agree, keepingthe hopes high that this interview will be the final barrier between meand my solitude planned for rest of summer. But no luck - I am extendedthe offer as soon as I arrive home after the interview. That brings along slur of planning for childcare, home care and familycare which were resting on the shelf till now and take the pilot seat.As I need to start the following weekTraveling to NY and catching the trains are going to be the way of life,we prepare ourselves and our Son mentally to sail along with the busylife we are going to have and the rough waters we might hit. We agree itis for everybody's best may be for a short term. Let's take thechallenges while we can. That reminds me somebody said in a movie I wasrecently watching "I will work my asses off till I have one".Well it gets better as I notice some strange physical symptoms the veryfirst week on my job and my doubt becomes a fact the Sunday night, withtwo pink lines. Monday morning I do get up, catch the trains as usualand go to work with only thing on my mind to get the first possibleappointment with my Dr. which I get the very next day. At Dr.'s I amconfirmed about my pregnancy which is over 6 weeks and the ultrasoundsbrings to me the picture of the life growing inside me without myknowledge, well not much of it. The loudly beating heart makes itspresence audible and undeniable. Everything else has to take backseat itmy life now as this is the next best thing happening to us. I am comingto a stage where I can call it my complete family. I wish it's a girl sodoes my son, who already named his unborn sister Sarah and assumes sheis going to have blue eyes. Don't know how he is going to react if it'sa brown boy with black eyes-just like him!Life takes its course - no matter what and no matter how! And we bettergo with the flow-Enjoy every bit of it. That's what I am trying to donow. Undoubtedly I am proud to be here it is like a dream coming true - Iknow it's not going to last forever and I do not want to spare anymoment without reaping the pleasure out of it.What if the trains are crowded and sometimes I miss them even when I amjust in time. It's a phase and just like all others it is going to passand it will be a part of my life. After all what is life but a series of moments and events.


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