A Blog for Blog

When I started my blog , I started it out with a curiosity. Also Iassumed it a mode of communication to people all over the world whomight end up reading my page. Which I realize happens very rarely. Guessmy page isn't so interesting and I do not get lots of comments either. Then I started sending my blog to people I know or the people I wantedto read about me, not necessarily very interested in reading them. Imade sure that they read them as I sometimes even quizzed them about itand very often found that they just ignored my email about my newposting.It dint stop me as I am a story teller and no matter if I have anaudience or not - I tell stories and events. The irresistible desire totell things keeps me getting back to writing my blog. Especially when Iam reading a book I must tell the whole world how extraordinary the bookis or if they shouldn't waste their valuable time on it. Somebody evensuggested me to add link to Amazon to that book and I might actually getrewarded for talking about the book. Even I felt so compelled sometimesto drop in a note to the author. Well it fades as soon as move toanother book and so on. So I figure I am also a reader.And that's where my stories originate from.Talking about being a reader I read some blogs as well. Not random blogsmuch but from people I know or Ic an relate to. And it's a terrifyingfeeling when I open the blog with their blog posted a month back andthere is nothing new? I wonder what they are up to. They are up tosomething and not telling me about it - that's not fair.So my notion - Update your blog as often as you possibly can and tell usmore about things, interesting things straight from the heart from topof the mind.Happy reading.


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