Book Review

Well I finished reading "The Ivy Chronicles" last week. It was hilarious
and also very informative. It talked about how the life takes it course
and sometimes things happen because it has to. By the en of the day,
sometimes people realize that it wasn't that bad after all. Also how we
look away from what we really need than what we want to make other
people envy which leaves a bad taste in mouth and a list of regrets. On
the same notes it was about how we tell a lie and get caught on the web
of lies.
When I talk about information, in the book the author uncovers the
private schooling system in Manhattan which is quite comparable to the
one in India. How parents have to write essays and appear in interviews
and a 4 year old has to go through a rigorous training in various areas
just top have an edge and get admitted to one of the very high profile
also very expensive private school. Once in the school you hang out with
the Cream of the society, avoid the commoners and fight to stay on the
top as long as you can afford. WOW!
I used to feel I miss something in my life that I am not part of the New
York City culture. I certainly felt that way sometimes that I might be
missing out on the first hand experience of the City life which I still
agree, but I have a feeling that what a lose is little less than what I
gain from being a part of the suburb which is far more peaceful. Thou
the schools are getting more and more competitive thanks to very
competitive Asian parenting. There is a gradual increase in the pressure
for academics as well as sports on children across the chart, still time
being it is quite alright. We do not target for anything less than the
Ivy League when we think about our kids. Times have changed and so has
the Geography and the Indian parents are still the same when it comes to
parenting. Some deny it and some accept it but the bottom line stays the
The book has some very funny moments and since I had a light work load
last week I was able to finish the 400+ book in 5 days, reading in
train, path also on my desk (Shhhhhhh!!!! - Do not tell my boss, and I
hope he doesn't read my blogs).
Well that was just my way of being productive. Oh on that note, I
remember that my son wanted me to draw him a Skunk today, please mind "A
cute skunk", I better make it before it hits 5 PM and he is disappointed
in me - thinking I wasted the whole day staring at a monitor and did
nothing useful during the day. Oh I miss my boy. I can not wait for the
day when I will be with him all day long - C'mon its only Monday !


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