
Yesterday I was sitting in my home library just going through the
shelves. I found the baby collage I made more than 5 years back, when I
was pregnant with Pratyush. It is very pretty; I don't know how many
magazines I went through to collect all those picture and finally
putting them together in not any order as such. Just cutting and pasting
them all over. My husband who was engrossed in his PC also took notice
and was delighted to see it. He suggested why don't put it back up while
I was thinking of putting together one more for my baby. Will she/he is
going to get a hands-me-down collage for the start? But then I wonder
when will I find time and where from am I going to collect all those
pictures of babies for another collage. Now I have better ideas actually
but just a little bit tight on time and resources.
I will try - I can get up little earlier this Saturday and navigate
through the magazines I have. May be Pratyush will also lend me a hand,
naughty one rather than helping one. But that's alright, this is how
they learn. On the deck in my backyard, I still have to clean up the
board and pieces of the magazine that I gave him over the weekend to
make a collage. Well he poured the bottle and kept refilling it with
water ...cut the book in halves and then kept cutting it
further-ignoring all the pictures he could have collected. Well not his
fault- I gave it to him so that he will stay busy and get off my back
while I arranged the breakfast. No doubt it worked - directionless
though if we talk about the future of a collage I assumed he will put
I guess I am going to make it over the weekend and I will make sure I
post a picture or two once I am done.
Wish me Luck.
Talking about books - I do not have anything to read in train these
days, may be I will drop in to library and pick up something. Anyway I
must pick up my prescription on my way home-getting a book will be
helpful for the week to come. I have put 3 books on hold one of them was
suggested by my boss, which is still unavailable. I got to read
something, anything. I am not the kind who can ponder over the
blackberry in train- I use it just to keep track of any urgent emails
coming from my managers; yes I have 3 of them and you though I am having
an EASY life.
There is a Barnes and Nobles across the World Trade Centre Path Station
and I want to go there, when I don't know. Every time I am approaching
it - both ways I am in a rush to get to my desk or to catch the train.
Someday If I leave early may be I can go then but I will always prefer
to get back home earlier than going anywhere else. The best time would
be to go during a lunch break but it hasn't work out yet. It is a 10
mins+ walk and I doubt if I will want to do that, going back and forth.
Oh leave it alone. Concentrate on the collage thing - May be I should
have it in my calendar and yes Saturday night we are having dinner at
Dolly Di's house.


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