
Originally uploaded by prabhaJha


Friends meet and friends greet
Friends say thing you wouldn’t believe
Friends listen and they cry hiding no tears behind
Friends are those who let you cry and blow your nose
Right on their shoulders no matter how you pose
Friends come to you unannounced
And welcome you way past-midnight
No matter what, you know that
They will be there and they will stand by you
When with them you don’t really have to talk
You don’t have to know if it was amusing or not
Life is just the way it is and friends can sail through
Along with you, effortlessly
Just give it time and some soul searching
Leave judgments behind for heart warming
On the winter’s night, nothing else feels better
But a fireplace and a friend to share the coffee
With warm warm feelings
Year after year
Every harsh winter
That’s the way- I see my friends
You tell me - did you feel same way about me.


dollyjha said…
Simple but true , the flow is also there- of thought and language

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