
Originally uploaded by prabhaJha

To Do List

I am addicted to making to-do lists. Be it at work or at home. It not only keeps me on track but also gives me a sense of accomplishment when I look at it at the end of the day and see how much I have achieved.
If not all, I could accomplish plenty. This way I can also priorities and pick what needs to be done first and which can be postponed till later. In addition to that I can also look back at the list from yesterday and finish the unfinished task. It works like a reminder.
Now I also have blackberry and it made my list making really high-tech. Now not only do I make task list but also time it during the day. It sends me reminder. Best part is, if there is a task and I need to include somebody in it as well, I just invite them. What a life saver it is. What an invention for list-addicts. I bet there are so many people out there who follow similar rituals or tools to keep track and have control of the lives.
No only do I make the task list, grocery list, weekly menus and guest list but I also make lists of all short term and long term goals. Recently I also made a list of strength and weaknesses as I realized that identifying them and focusing on strengths can be helpful for reaching my targets. Fro short term lists I use traditional notepad and pen while for long term lists which are again subdivided in smaller tasks I use MS-office. I keep the dynamic list at my finger tips to add and delete as I require.
And I completely disagree if some think I am a freak in doing so.
While I am talking about it, it just occurred to me that I might have inherited it from my father. Not just because he used to write a lot. I remember, whenever there was any festival and my mom would panic with tons of things to be take care of. My father would just sit down with pen and paper and ask her advice in making list. This used to send my mom in worse panic and somehow she never did believe in lists. While my dad kept making his lists whenever approached with a situation or crisis.
Guess if nothing else, he did pass it on to me.
Oh I must tell my readers his, while I had to go through a series of $%&*#@ tests yesterday, the best was ultrasound. The same ultrasound technician was doing the test with I-would-do-anything-else-but-this look on his face. When I asked him if baby looks fine, he responded with a stern “What do you mean”. I was determined to keep asking him no matter what, so I replied “I mean does it look healthy and normal”, and his suggestion was that I should ask the baby, and I suppressed my laughter and responded “Well he doesn’t talk to me yet”. Our conversation ended with his “well, he will”.
After another pause of 10 minutes while he printed 30+ pictures and made no effort to tilt the screen to me, No matter how much I twisted my neck to get a glimpse of the baby in screen, I asked him “If he has an idea of the weight and size of baby”. His answer was “Dr. did not ask me to check that, I am checking what he asked me to”. I guess that was when I called it off. Finally as he showed the sign of getting done with it by handing me a picture that looked like baby’s face. I asked him if it is the face, he said again without looking at any of of: yes what else. And that’s when I noticed the bubble right next to the lips. Yes there was a bubble he was blowing and it is very clear in the picture. My god I am breaking down here with all kind of pains and aches and this little thing is lying down all warm and nice, blowing bubbles inside me. Well I went to see Dr. as he got all the reports with him, who said the baby is fine and over 6 lbs already. He thought the baby was about 3 lb just 10 days back. 3 lbs in less than 2 weeks – what am I going to end with by the time I reach March 10 which is still 4+ weeks away.
Let’s see….Who knows if he wants, may be will come sooner.
No I dint see pony tails on the head – but I did feel it was a girl face. I know I know there is a saying “hammer sees all nails”.
Well whatever it is – It was really really cute and I can not wait!!


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