
Originally uploaded by prabhaJha

Have not been blogging a lot recently. Partially because there are gazillion other things occupying my mind (now as I have crossed the 34 weeks) and partially because it felt like none of them were worth talking about.
While Ma and Papa are all set to travel on February 9th and arrive on 10th, He went unconscious for 8 hours while traveling to my native place in a small village of North Bihar. It freaked all of us out. Back to Calcutta now he is recovering and since he is diabetic assumes that might be a reason.
I can not wait to see them and all I wish that they enjoy their stay here.
But – But Let me assure you, I have been reading blogs a lot more than usual and I did come across few very interesting blogs.
Let’s start with the weather report - So far, Weather has been tricky in east coast, while it got hit by a snow storm last week, Sunday turned out to be warmer than expected. Monday seemed all bright and sunny only with predictions of snow and showers tonight and tomorrow.
On reading books: I finished few of them in last month. One of them “What I loved”. It was sort of a journey of two families through life. Good read.
Currently I am reading the “Rich Dad – Poor Dad” which is usually read by teenagers starting out in the world. Who are still making choices about careers and education. I am a reader and so I need to know what is it about and I am reading it, will comment more once I am done.
I am also furnishing my family room – getting rid of the old sofa and replacing it with a sectional and a day bed (for that nap with baby during the day). Talking about baby reminds me of all the research I have been recently doing about 3D ultrasound, which a parent choose to get done and are not covered under insurance.
They make a CD of color pictures and also DVD of the fetus movements. The pictures are very clear and resembles close to the baby when they are born. I was very tempted but doubtful of spending a fortune, also feel that might be a partiality and Pratyush might come up to me some day asking, why dint I do that while I was pregnant with him. Yeah …Moms do get all these crazy thoughts – especially with hormones going haywire.
Now that I am closer to the D-Day which is March 10th. How do I know it? Well because it is a planned C-Section. The fear of going under knives and scissors scares me sometimes. One night I even dreamt of it all and worst part was when I realized that anesthesia did not work when Dr. started the operation. Well I have been through it once – I should be fine.
On top of all these, I have to plan birthday party for my dear son, who is turning 5 on February 10th. He gave me the guest list all across the globe at least 5 times already. His cousin from Delhi, Calcutta and Seattle must attend while a friend who moved to California must not miss it. He is ok to have separate party at school with his school buddies but people who have ever visited our house should definitely be there for the party.
He knows what cake to get from where, and what decoration will be right, what food will be perfect and the party can not be complete without a talent show.
After all this, he must have all his friends sleep over after the party.
Whew – I agree, we can not make everyone happy, can we?? I am losing it with a not-yet-five-year-old-boy.
Well, I modified the guest list a bit. And of course we have Nani Ma and nanaji coming from India, which shall cover the global guest list. We will have the cake, decoration and talent show, as you wish. We might skip the sleep over for now for 22 kids and you can sleep over and over with nani ma while she is here.
It worked and looks like we are almost set. I am getting so much better at negotiating.
Will definitely post pictures after the Party! We are very excited but will miss Dolly didi who leaves for India a day prior.


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