Imagining things

Originally uploaded by Alta Marie

Now I am mother of 2 and I am convinced that I must be the care taker of my kids until they are at least 2+ years. Well the older one will soon be off to Kindergarten and it leaves me with the newborn to care for. After returning back to work full time, I compromised with the idea and the baby is currently in custody of my parents + MIL for good 11 hours of the day. Well, I guess it is good for kids to be with there grandparents because they are not going to be there forever and these few years are when they are healthy , active and can take care of them. They bond together and create memories for life time.
They will be here till ~ September and that’s when I plan to quit and be at home with the boys’ full time. After all they grow so fast and time flies and I must care for them when they need it the most.
So far things sound pretty much normal but then start my wild imagination about how my life is going to change as I nestle.
1. I will be in my pajamas till, god knows when everyday. There is no way on earth that I will get shower and dress at 7:00 AM. I might also pack away my formal pants/shirts and suits and find solace in jeans and T-shirts.
2. I might start packing lunch for my husband, few days in a week and might even go back to sleep after he leaves till it is time to drop my older one to school.
3. I will call my friends, who used to be at-home-moms few years back (when I was in the same boat). I might also get frustrated as they won’t be available during the day time.
4. I will definitely do my groceries during the weekdays and only mall-trips will be left for the weekends.
5. I can plan socializing events with friends and also cook in advance for the parties. I will also be planning day trips/other weekend get-aways.
6. I will look forward to the weekend so I can finally go out beyond grocery shopping, school, swimming and soccer.
7. I will definitely enroll my kid to swimming/soccer/other classes that he can take during the day, after school.
8. With the weaning enthusiasm to make new friends and loss of old buddies, I guess I will be all by myself and my baby. Who knows I might make friends with other moms with kids in KG.
9. I will be able to check my personal Emails during the day and respond to them while I might not be able to write decent blogs within the short time my baby will allow. Though I will be able to comment on the blogs I like.
10. I might be able to exercise with Wii FIT when my older one will be off to school because gym will be out of question with 6 months old.
11. I will make more frequent visits to Library with Praket in baby carrier and pacifier in his mouth, though it will take longer to finish the book without my train commute.
12. I will call India more frequently during the day and chat with my sister, brother and parents. I might also give calls to some of my aunts and cousins I have lost touch with.
13. I will also be able to able to sort and print all those digital pictures that has been pending since 2+ years.
14. Whenever possible I will be making Jell-O, cookies, cakes, lemonade and countless crafts with my older son. He loves to cook with me.
15. I bet there will be bunch of other things as well …we will know as life unfolds.


dollyjha said…
Those are the "air "of a women life ,write about something other than that if you are going to do.
Joe said…
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Joe said…
Could you please link to my blog here?
Pradeep Jha said…
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Pradeep Jha said…
It seems you are looking forward to taking a break :)
Dipti said…
Hi Prabha..this correlates to my recent life,except that baby part as I dont have one but I m not working.I m dying to leave this routine u talked and want to join work.I liked all ur blogs.

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