It is not just another day or may be it is.

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Originally uploaded by prabhaJha

Today is a great day.
I am feeling very inspired and really charged. Don’t know if it is because of the book I am reading (I will talk about it in a bit) or because tomorrow will be Friday.
This Friday is important to me. Tomorrow not only will I finish my first week “back-to-work” but also I look forward to the June Bug Festival in Metuchen (for details please visit I wish to be part of it with my 5 year old. The event like chalk the walk, make the Murals and Create a hat getting me all charged up .Metuchen, NJ is a small historical town that I reside in. I instantly fell in love with this place since I visited in some 7 years back. A fine morning when I was driving through the downtown on tree lined street, I knew this is the place I want to be at.
The small charming town has a historical significance and takes pride in promoting all kinds of art and culture.
Recently I attended the Open Mic night with handful of other artist supported by Metuchen Cultural and arts Commission. I was the only person with color in the room, full of artists and there audiences. There were violist, guitarist, singers, stand-up comedian, musicians, Kids doing chicken dance and a sole Poet (myself). Guess not too many people write these days, and I have to be the savior or pioneer for all those writers who will eventually come out of their closets and hold the mike. If that’s what god has planned for me, so be it.
I accept his command.
I also took the opportunity to inform all my friends about my latest achievement. My first publication and realization of a dream, also completion of my New Year resolution. I am not the resolution-type and I happen to pen down this resolution as part of a game on New Year’s Eve. I guess this year I am going to achieve them all. I will keep my readers posted as I get them one after another. Mind you, this one was the most challenging one.
It is a different story that I ended up in Emergency room 2 AM of 1/1/2009. I was partying too hard in 7th month of pregnancy, and I do not even let me discourage from partying in future.
Now to the book I am reading these days. Yes I have been reading and now that I am commuting 3 hours a day I get ample time to catch up on my reading. Though I have to admit that sometimes I prefer to close my book and take a nap as well.
The book if “Outliers” written by Malcolm Gladwell and I recommend this book to every body. It talks about various hypotheses behind success. He sites examples of most successful people and support them with real time data. To me, the bottom line is “hard-work (a lot of it indeed) “and favorable circumstances are the key ingredient. I can not say more, it is for you to read and decide.
Till next time.


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