Well - Here I am !!

Originally uploaded by prabhaJha

Today is the third day that I am back to work. I never wanted to think about it while I was on STD ( short term disability – yes it is called disability ) and now I am here.
It has been alright, I convince myself 15+ times a day that my baby is in good hands even if I am not there during the day to take care of him. I try to make most of it when I get home. As my parents are here I do not have much domestic obligations around the house, such as arranging kitchen and putting the laundry. It is a breeze in that sense. All I try to do is, hold my baby for as long as I can and also wake up (I look forward) to the 3 PM feeding. I wish he does not burp for real long and I can hold him and wait till he does to put back in the crib.
Well, The maternity was quite long – full 13 weeks and I wonder what all did I do during that.
Obviously a good 5 weeks went by in surgery and recovery. It was in the 4th week that I started driving to pick up my son from school. It was a bad idea, because I caused a dent by hitting in the mailbox. I was taking heavy painkillers and so I waited for another 2 week and the incident did not recur. Those few weeks were painful but I do not recall the pain. All I remember is that when Praket was born he dint really have any eyelashes (he was 2 weeks early). Now talking about it makes me recall the day I left the hospital and how thankful I am to all the nurses who took care of me in every hour of the day. It was snowing heavily the day I went to the hospital while It was a bright sunny day that I came back home.
The later half of it was quite fun filled, I visited Pittsburg temple with my 5 weeks+ old. It was a 7hrs drive each way and we did it. My boys did cooperate quite a lot. Guess they are going to be heck of travelers when they grow up and I wonder how I will know when and where they are. 
We made the trip with my parents and my mother in law, a big happy, SUV-full family we are since April.
I also went for Jagjit singh’s show. While I also did few lunches out with my girlfriends, planned BBQ and baby shower. I also took Pratyush for soccer lessons and ate ice cream in the downtown. I also did some garden (A part of which has already helped the hungry bunnies and groundhogs in my backyard). Also I met my namesake while doing grocery in an Indian market.
No wonder, It went by so fast and now the days seem to last like forever.
Things have changed quite a bit in office as well; though it seems stable the changes made are now for good.
I am again counting days here as I plan to be a full-time mom when I do not have the grandparents around for my baby.
About Praket: He is an adorable baby, looks almost same as Pratyush when he was born. He has been smiling since last 2 months (though his older brother used to smile a lot more, that people named him: Hansmukh Lal). He likes to listen to us as we talk or sing to him. Sometimes his attentions are also caught by the TV.
Though he can not stand even the slightest change in his posture or delay when he is hungry. He becomes pretty audible at those times; otherwise he does not really bother much. He has been sleeping through nights since 7 weeks. He loooooooves to bath in the tub that fits in the kitchen sink. Almost every night he starts yawning right there under warm flowing water.
Oh! I can not wait to be back home with my lovely boys. That reminds me of how much I wanted to have a girl. Now that I have another boy the thought of not having a girl does not even occur to me. It is miraculous how things change as soon as you have your child and that’s all matters. Though I am back here for most of the day, It my heart and mind that belongs to them where they are.


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