It is not as ….as it was earlier

Thinking, Drinking, Sinking, Feeling. (Explored!)
Originally uploaded by PsstMinnie

Has this happened with you? You went to a new restaurant just because there was no other option and gave it ashot. The food tasted heavenly and then later you bring you friends to dine and it is just not as good as it was supposed to be.
You went to a show or place and were dumbstruck with the charm, which is lost when you revisit.

The reason: I gave it a deep thought and all I could come up with that, it is just another trick of mind.
At our first encounter we set to standard or expectation and are ready for anything served to us. Physically our mind, taste buds and other senses are also ready to accept anything that comes. The senses are delighted with little pleasure and the surprise factor even enhances it.
But it is not the case next time, when we have created hype about it. And so we are physically and mentally ready to expect something beyond the pleasure, which is sure to be defeated because there is missing the surprise factors and the high standards set, are impossible to meet.
Wondering, is it our expectation which restricts us from enjoying the life at its best, be it relationship or a lunch from cafeteria?


Unknown said…
I think it really matter with who you are going..
In the same resturant same food will taste diffrent with special friend or husband or Alta or Dolididi....
New Restaurant with sweta always teast great...

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