Project Green and more....

Eternal love, Eternal Life
Originally uploaded by moemoechi

It was couple month back that I read and article about global warming in National Geography. It was not just any other article, but it was a story of a family who decided to go on a “Green diet” or restrict their energy consumption. It was an eye opener. It calculates all the emissions or trash an average American family generates. It was mind boggling that how accustomed we are with excess in everything. Take energy for an instance and all the home appliances and equipments that all always plugged in or never turned off.
While we crib about the gas prices, we still avoid walking few blocks and using manual (even electric) lawn mower .The article, describes an interesting instance about the family when they decide to buy a manual lawn mower.
After that, I went on to find the exact article I was talking about but I started reading other related articles and unable to find what I was looking for.
May be its lost forever and is not within my reach. If you land on it, please let me know.
So basically, I was moved, not because it was a contributor in global warming but also because there are million of people on the other side of globe who are deprived of basic necessities such as running water and electricity. And here we are, gobbling tons of electricity and gallons of water everyday in not-so-necessary activities we are so used to of.
I ended up writing a poem and then another. That finally led me to the idea of writing a collection of short simple poems which will explain the reasons and impacts of excessiveness to pre-teen and teenagers.
I also wanted to add something that will suggest the measure we can take.
On that I started reading books and I read quite a few. I found that the book “Generation Green” was very well written keeping the teenagers in mind. It is a work of detailed research; fact oriented and contents various simple methods that can be adopted by the next generation. It is not just about few steps but altering the life style. I was impressed.
Back to my collection, I am done with 14 poems, and I target for 15 in total. While I also plan to illustrate it with some real life pictures that I have to start working on, sooner than later.
I plan to get this book ready by the Thanksgiving which is a tough target considering my month long India trip around Durga Puja.
And I believe there is no fun without challenges.
Yes! You read it correct – I plan to be in Calcutta this year around Puja. I only wonder how my 5 year old will react to all the clamor and horde. Based on my past experiences I assume he will like it while my 8 months old will only marvel at everything. This will be his first India trip. That reminds me how scared Pratyush was of the ceiling fans when he visited India at 8 months age.
Alta has left and I ventured the cafeteria on my own to grab some lunch, at 12:45 PM it was bustling. It was full and I assume mostly with the analyst class of 2009. People were all over, and I told myself. This is life.
It is just about me, you and others who are present right at this moment, sharing life.
Life is no riddle but the most obvious thing you sense around you, is life.


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