On Diet

It was around Thanksgiving of 2009 that I took oath to lose my baby weight. I set a target for myself to lose 12 Lbs in 6 weeks. Well being as competitive as I am, I lost 14 lbs of it. This resulted in fitting into old jeans and many T-shirts which were hidden in the darkest corners of my closet. (Not to mention I put 6 lbs back on by the end of March).
That is the diet people usually talk about, well mostly talk about. Especially on weekends when you meet up with friends and sit around the dining table or look at that skinny girl dancing on the big screen. We just find excuses to talk about that diet. With obesity as an epidemic, there are 100s of diet program which help you lose weight. Promise you to get your life back on track, save marriages, prevent cancer and what not. During the day time, when I try to catch some breaking news I surf through at least 27 channels talking about various diet or exercise program. And that’s not something I wish to talk about here today as I leave it to the specialist. There is lot of expertise around who can advise you better on the dieting, I warn you that I am last person you should listen if you are trying to lose weight via a diet program.
Physical diet is an area which has created a huge commercial impact on the society and food industry. What bothers me is that there is a mental, social and emotional diet we put ourselves on now and then which no body seem to talk about. Or sometimes we might need to put ourselves on.
I will start with someone close to me, who does not socialize just because he/she is requested to. For instance, he/she will sit on a friend invitation/request on FB or LinkedIn for weeks (even months). He/she needs to consider all the filters before bringing the relationship to the next level. I consider them to be the people who follow very strict diet at social level. They deprive themselves of indulgence and feel guilty if they lose it sometime and end up in a party for which they did not think 200 times before attending. To me, they are somewhat close to anorexic (if not exactly).
I bet you have met someone who instantly after meeting with you take down your phone , Email address, planned movie, dinner, BBQ as well as a book club and then disappear from the picture for months (sometimes forever-till bump into again). They are some who indulge into socialize for once in while. Take the full scoop and move on to stick with own diet program.
Finally there are some with 678 connections on FB and whose updates fill most of your homepage (believe me it is a good idea to shut it off). The social obese who will just take anybody or everybody for connection and on top maintain it. But here is the good news; it has no unhealthy side affect (that we might be aware of) and brings a healthy side to them.
Talking about us, people who live far away from home with mostly one way travel option to meet with family. What I mean is, we can go visit our family as it is convenient but it’s close to impossible for them to visit us as they wish (unless we are some lucky people).The family relations and the ties, are also kept on a diet. One call a week to family, one month a call to that friend/cousin, and there are some you call only on occasions such as New year, Diwali, etc etc… We do tend to indulge sometimes when something is happening or changing in the life but there is some standard diet we have created around our relationships that we tend to follow throughout.
How much love or care we are about to share is also stipulated. If I have already baked a cake, brought some flowers and a gift, I tend to skip on cooking the dinner or I am serving a calorie laden diet to the partner which is artery clogging for the love relationship. Might choke the flow from one side-after all it got to flow both ways. People create their own diet programs for healthy relationship within or outside the family. When they fail to do so, there is a partner always complaining about how much her/his efforts are going is vain without appreciation while the obese partner is wondering what is he/she is doing wrong that is missing the balance.
On the spiritual diet, we all set some program of visiting temple, how much time to spend, how much chanting everyday is good for us or if we are trying to improve on it . How hard it is to stick to the new diet program which requires more going an extra mile.

When it comes to having a healthy diet, balance is the key. This applies to life as well. So in a nutshell, no matter what you are trying to do in life - woo your partner, win a friend, find a soul mate, discipline your child, get successful in career or lose weight. Find the right balance for yourself. Create a diet program that is custom for you and work just for you and stick to it-no matter how hard it is. A little indulgence now and then is forgivable but cheating is suicidal. I am always here, if you require a little guidance or assistance.


Unknown said…
Diet and life good connection

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