Memories of Memorial Day weekends

The weekend started early Friday while making batches of idlis and chutney to take with us for the 3 night get away vacation we planned with 2 other friends. The location was Bethany Beach in Delaware.
As we stepped down after 4 hours drive all I wanted to do was have a cup of coffee. We drove non-stop for the whole stretch. We couldn’t locate any Dunkin Donut or McDonald in the last stretch of hour and so I was in a caffeine-free and energy-free state. There was a coffee maker but no coffee in the four story, five bedroom, 4 baths and 7 beds (includes 2 bunk bed) townhouse we were renting. We drop the stuff and head to the beach only to be hit by a mild disappointment with Bahamas Blue (rather Turquoise) still fresh in the memories. Pratyush loved the water, he is not as judgmental as we are or may be he is more practical and realizes what he is going for better. He gets his cloth wet as he always does when left around water, be it a hose, sea or the sink.
We head to the Tanger outlet mall for some serious shopping only to return and wait little longer for our friends to join us. Everything is history after that. We had 3 fun-filled days by the ocean. 4 kids, 2 babies and 6 adults in total. 3 of us (girls) sang 100s of old Hindi songs in high pitch and high volume while walking on the sea shore. We looked at the moons reflection in the ocean, crashed to the waves and my fiend managed to be caught in a fishing pole, no kidding – she did. I played cards after a very long time and enjoyed.
It was a fun filled vacation that we will remember for long time, till we do it again.


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