Me and The Bengali in me

Why am I writing this blog today, well stumbled upon this BW Bengali love song sung by Hemanth Mukherjee and Sandhya Mukherjee “Ei Path Jodi na sesh hoy” on YouTube which was also sung in Hindi later. A very old song and don’t know why I could not resist listening to 10 more on the same line. Soon I was listening to Aarati Mukhopadhay “Tokhon Tomar Ekkush Bachhar” and thoroughly enjoying it. It was magical and I realized that it was hard for me to leave my desk or take off the earphones off. I dint feel like missing a single word of the lyrics. I never felt this way listening to Bruno Mars, Rheanna or Enrique.
I searched for Nachiketa and Suman Chatterjee, who used to be one of my favorite while I was in college and found pretty much all the songs on YouTube. Listening to them all over again was a compulsion inside and impossible to resist.
Though native Hindi speaker Bengali was the first language I spoke as a child. Bengali is one of the most melodious language and the classic music touches the heart straight. If you can decipher the meaning I highly recommend listening to them. Enjoy!


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