Managerial Ethics 1

The relation between ethical theory and ethical reasons and between ethical theory and ethical reasoning. When we evaluate something as right or wrong and good or bad, we appeal to certain norms or reasons. Those reasons help justify the essential moral conclusion and represent an ethical reason. Now, in order to present them for justification we must reason them well. A well ethical reasoning constitutes of good arguments and is well structured based on a true premise. According to Barbara Mackinnon, ethical theory is the systematic exposition of particular view about the nature and basis of the good or right. Ethical theories can be different categories depending on what they analyze. Some might judge in terms of motive, some in terms of the character or nature of act while others in terms of the consequences. Irrespective of the category of these theories, they are based on certain ethical reason which can be reasonably and systematically argued through ethical reasoning. •What is Scalon’s principle for determining what is wrong? In Scanlon’s words “An act is wrong if its performance under the circumstances would be disallowed by any set of principles for the general regulation of behavior that no one could reasonably reject as a basis for informed, unforced, general agreement.” (Scanlon 1998, p. 153). Above is Scanlon’s principle of contractualism which presents a distinctive account of moral reasoning. His principle is based on equal and rational contractors and a basis of moral theory rather than political.


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