Managerial Ethics 2

Explain how egoism affects the workplace as well as your career. In general terms Egoism considers an act to be morally right if the act is in a person's self-interest. Each individual is supposed to act in ways that will lead to their own happiness or pleasure. Those actions are morally right that results in person’s happiness or pleasure and at the same time if it end into that person’s suffering, it will be morally wrong. According to Barbara Mackinnon “The theory of egoisms holds that people are basically self-centered of selfish.” As we all know, by workplace we mean a place where the work gets done by a group of individuals. Those individual are usually fulfilling own assigned tasks in return of money or other means of satisfaction. At the same time they are working as a member of team, towards achieving a common objective beyond themselves. Without the underlying idea of mutual achievement the team cannot be successful. Especially if it is a large organization, where involvements for hundred, even thousands of employees are expected towards reaching a common goal, a severe selfish nature can hold back the success for overall organization. Now, this can also be argued the other way around. When an organization becomes successful, every participant gains from its success. So even though some efforts put in initially seem to be morally wrong as an egoist (at the price of self suffering or inconvenience), are ultimately rewarding to self and stand morally correct in future. If such a morally correct act of Egoism can result into cooperation for team while each individual is actually working towards their own good in long-run, it can actually be not too bad in a workplace and ultimately my career as an individual. References: Mackinnon, Barbara (2013). Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. Boston, Massachusetts: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning


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