From one empty space to another.

From life to death and then to life. Probably.
Yes, aren’t we all ultimately made up of about 99.9999999999996% of empty space? For all who know what I am talking about, can skip to next paragraph. For rest, please hang tight. So, human body as we know including all the organs and variety of tissues that built them up are made up of cells. Cell then if broken down further shows the DNA’s ..Carrying Genes and ultimately atom. Now atoms, as every atom in universe is made up of proton, neutron and electrons. Proton and neutron sit tight in the nucleus while electrons keeps spinning around. Electrons, pretty much has no mass and guess how much of empty space is there in each atom? Yes 99.9999999999996%. That’s it, every cell of our entire body…..mostly empty.
The living, in this body is like knowing and managing all these empty space which works together in perfect harmony crating a visible mass which is portrayed as “you’ an individual. Isn’t it amazing how all this empty space together reflects a personality and makes a unique you even gives you your own very unique finger print? Now as think about all this empty space, a picture appears in my mind…That of a sponge. Its light, its hollow and all fluffy yet has an ability to absorb way more than its own mass. The human body, floats when soul departs but the ability to absorb is immense as we live. A fetus in the womb absorbs life, nourishment and all the fundamentals of genetics while still in the womb. As we grow, still child …we quickly absorb experiences knowledge all of it as those are presented to us very organically. We heal ourselves, we digest a lot more and are fired up with inspiration…we dream. We imagine being a bird or a cat or even a tree. We are not constrained so much with emotions, learning, social ways etc etc. We are actually allowing that empty space rule, take course and be our guide. Doesn’t last forever, does it?
After certain age, as we are expected with behave in a certain way, achieve certain things and fit certain groups…. We start restraining …prohibiting the natural absorbing process. We obstruct our thoughts and don’t want to be perceived as ‘wild’ anymore. What will happen if we continue to absorb like we did when we were five six or seven? These days, I notice kids stopping to absorb even sooner than previous generations. There is so much pressure for them to ‘choose’ a ‘right path’ it actually obstruct the natural path. And no, by no means I want to imply that you as parents are doing any ‘less’ of parenting by allowing that to happen and no I am not going to give you tips on how you can enhance the ‘absorption’ for kids etc. There is no silver bullet and there is no need for one. While we are gifted to be human we aren’t that important in the bigger plans of nature. We take too much credit than we deserve as humans in changing the world for good, shaping the future…. yaddi yada. Let me explain how, as those directly related to all the empty space that we know we have. I bet you all have seen movies, where characters are played and replayed. They look real and feel real, even stir our emotions so deep, makes our spirit soar or break us down to tears and sometimes leave us with nightmares that lasts days, weeks or lifetime. Those characters on screen portraying a story are empty spaces again, as you walk up to the screen you cannot really feel them with your touch. The colors smear up on you instead, projected. What are the odds that we are a mere projection of a very highly functional movie where characters have certain level of autonomy and ability of free will? Free will, as we define it and you cannot deny there are many times when we don’t exactly ‘choose’, things happen and most life events are out of our control. 
Life is pre-built in a way that it can sustain anything and everything this world can present it to. Be it trauma, pressure or desires. Human life in human body is organically built to take it all in and then pass along. As death approaches in it is quite and meets the beating heart, and puts it to sleep. Takes us along on a journey unknown, from one emptiness to another.


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