
I will not allow you to suppress my voice

No, I will not allow taking away my choice

My choice to be me

My choice to remain with me 

My choice to jump in puddles or 

My choice to cry and scream 

Taking away my voice, my feelings

Because you don't understand a word

You only have darkness, self-pity

And this venom lined sword

I won't let you slice me up and then toss me in the air

I won't then let you catch them all and become the savior 

I won't let you keep that mask on, that has slipped too many times 

I won’t allow that monster, to cross even an inch of my lines 

I will bring on my claws and split you open if you even move 

Stop now, stop right now, with your hollow claims of love 

Go away and do not return, ever again my way 

You know honey, I truly mean it, when I say 



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