
Showing posts from June, 2009


Open Book (60/365+1) Originally uploaded by thinklia कहानी मेरे पास एक कहानी है, जो सबको मुझे बतानी है ना राजा की ना परियो ना, ना भूत प्रेत और सदियो की कथा है हम जैसे पागलो की, इन हाड़ माँस के पुतलो की जो सुनते हैं और देखते है, जिनके दर्द मे आंसू बहते हैं जिनकी रगो मे बेहेता है एक जैसा खून पेशानी पे चमकती है मेहनत की बूँद बात ये कुछ नयी नही, तुम सोचोगे फिर मैं क्यू सुनू क्यूकी ये बात तुम्हारी है, तुम चाहोगे बस वो ही सुनू एक बच्चा था, तुम जैसे थे एक दिन, जिसकी आँखो मे सपने थे जिसकी बातो मे जादू था, जिसके उंगली मे बिजली थी जिसके मन मे अरमान थे और डिब्बे मे बंद तितली थी बात ऐसे भी पुरानी नही की तुमको याद नही होगा जाओ ढुंढ़ो उस किताब मे , एक मे सूखा लाल गुलाब होगा क्यू रखा था, संहाल कर इतना, इक छोटी सी तो निशानी थी वो ना मिला जिसको पाने की, तुमने मन मे तुमने ठानी थी कैसी ज़िद थी, ज़िद थी भी या नही? ज़िद जो थी, तो पूरी क्यू ना हुई? क्यू बुझी आग, क्यू सोए भाग, क्यू छोड़ दिया उम्मीद ने साथ? यहाँ तक की बात थी सबको पता, पर फिर क्या अब ये तो सुनो लेकर वो फूल , और लेकर ये ज़िद, तुम जैसा ही वो, प

Life vs. Stuff

Smart Women Save Originally uploaded by Blogging Women Simple dos and don’ts towards spending on life than stuff • Watching movie with family at local theater, add popcorn. Instead of installing home theater system with LCD projector. • Camping in local camp ground, it gives more time together than traveling place. Instead of tour to Disney/Europe/etc where not only you spend a fortune but also spend time rushing from one place/ride to another regretting what you might miss. • Have dinner with friends and family at home or if weather permits, fire the grill. Instead of dine in restaurants, where people are confused about what to order stressed about expense and spend time comparing food from one place to another and deciding the worth. Whew! • Raid closets and swap valuables with friends and family, share video games and wii games Instead of buying every expensive bag, jewelry, perfume or game. • Visit local library, they usually have all the books available in market and also you can

रूठे रूठे

Upset...!! Originally uploaded by Kuang Woo (so busy) रूठे रूठे से हैं मिज़ाज जो उनके आज तो कैसे समझाएँगे हम, उनको सारी मन की बाते, क्या कह पाएँगे ? कब से बैठे थे टक टॅकी लगा देखेंगे वो जब हमको आज पूछेंगे हाल, हम दिल निकाल रख देंगे कदमो मे उनके लेकिन किससे अब करनी बाते वो कहते भी तो नही की हुआ है क्या, और हमने किया है क्या किस बात की ये अनबन और क्यू हैं ठनी ये जंग क्यू मन मे मेरे और उनके भी है ये दीवार किसने खीची हैं ये लकीर कब तक हंस हंस कर और फुसला कर पूछूंगी मैं बात और कितनी जिद्दी हो तुम तो हम भी है जाओ तुम, हम अपनी राह एक बार अभी, वो रोकेंगे इतराते हैं ये सोच सोच कैसे हैं वो जो बैठे है गुम सूम से खोए खोए से जो कह दोगे तो जानेंगे यू धोखे मे रखकर क्या होगा मेरा पागलपन या इश्क कहो कभी तो सपना पूरा होगा

कहाँ से आए बदरा

Singing in the rain Originally uploaded by neloqua कहाँ से आख़िर आए हैं ये घूंघरले काले बादल परसो से नभ पे छाए है ये मतवारे पागल बादल कभी घूमड़ घूमड़ कभी छलक छलक ये गिरते हैं और गिराते हैं पानी की ठंढी बूँदो से ये भीगे हैं , भिगाते हैं मिट्टी पे जब ये गिरते हैं खुश्बू सौंधी दे जाते हैं छान से तपती सी धरती को मिलो ठंढक पहुँचते हैं तालो मे झीलो मे या गडढो मे बनते हैं पानी के घेरे मेरे मन पे भी बरसो आज हो शीतल पावक सारे आजकल बारीशो का मौसम है यहाँ. ये जो शनिवार से शुरू हुई है शायद रविवार तक यू ही चलेगी. वैसे तो मुझे बारिश अच्छी ही लगती है. कल मैं कार की खिड़की खुली रख भूल गयी थी. अचनाक मेरा ध्यान गया की बारिश बहुत तेज़ हो रही है. जब तक मैने जाकर खिड़की को बंद किया, सामने के दोनो सीट पर काफ़ी पानी आ चुका था. इस भाग दौड़ मे मैं भी भीग गयी. लेकिन मुझे उसकी कोई शिकायत नही थी. आख़िर कितनी ही बार मुझे ऐसा मौका मिलता है. काश की कर और थोड़े दूर होती और दरवाजा खोलने मे थोड़ा ज़्यादा समय लगता. हिन्दी मेरी भाषा.


Thread Originally uploaded by Penseye रिश्ते दिलो के , ये प्रेम की डोरी बाँधे हैं जिसने ये सारी पृथ्वी बाटो जो खुशिया जाते है गम भी रोशन है दुनिया हमारी तुमसे ही दूरी हो कितनी हो कितने फ़ासले इस प्यार से जुड़ते है टूटे हौसले उम्मीद पे इसके की मिलेंगे वो हमको दिन क्या साल क्या, गुजारी है जिंदगी एक छोटी सी बात पर, बिगड़ते हालात छुरी को धार पर हो जब सारे ज़ज़्बात बंद करके आँखे, बस ढुंढ़ो वो तार बदल जे तुम्हारे धड़कनो की ताल, हर एक बार ये पागलो सी बाते, हैं हमने भी मानी सोचोगे तुम की आख़िर है क्या ये नादानी है ज़िद ये हमारा , है हमने ये ठानी रहेंगे उम्रभरहम, बस तुम्हारी ही परेशानी ~ टूटे हैं जिनके ये मन के धागे हैं किस्मत के फूटे सारे अभागे

प्रेम के बादल

peacock Originally uploaded by prabhaJha बावारे मन की बावरी बाते बूंदभरे बादल देखे मुस्काते मुझको इन राहो मे आते जाते जाने कबसे ये अंजाने मुझको भीगा ने को है तरसते मैने भी धमकाया है डरते डरते ओढ़े हुए हैं ह म समय के चादर देखते है कैसे तुमसे हैं रिस ते हंसा लगाकर ठहाके वो बादल बोला हमे नही पहेचना पागल? कैसा समय और कैसे चादर हम तो हैं मनमौजी फिरते हैं उड़ते जाते हैं चाहे हो कैसे भी रास्ते बचना है हमसे, बच ना सकोगे च्छा ये हैं तुमपे, प्रेम के बादल आज आख़िर मुझे हिन्दी लिखने के लिए ये औजार मिल ही गया. सचमुच यहाँ से हिन्दी लिखना बहुत आसान है और मेरे ब्लॉग पढ़ने वालो को कुछ नया मिलेगा. शुक्रिया ! लेकिन मुझे अभी अभी ये एहसास भी हुआ की ये करना कितना मुश्किल हो सकता है, हालाँकि हिन्दी मेरी मातृभाषा है और मैं इसका इस्तेमाल भी रोज़मर्रा करती हू , मेरा दिमाग़ आजकल ब्लॉग लिखने वक़्त सिर्फ इंग्लीश मे ही सोचने लगा है. ये स्विच करने मे मुझे थोड़ी मेहनत और उससे थोड़ा कम समय देना होगा.

There you go...

Originally uploaded by prabhaJha Today (June 17th 2009) is the quietest day I had in near past. It is dreadful and I am bored to death. I am not even beaming with new ideas to write about in my blog. I am done doing research on Family child care for the day. I am also rea………… I left it there; readers can imagine the state of mind. Well that was yesterday, and it is today. Yesterday I even had to cancel my only meeting for the day to back up for somebody that came right 14 minute prior. Argghhhh…. Today is Thursday and yet again I am beaming with ideas. For years, at work I used to check my emails first thing I came to work. I still do that but it is not my personal emails, so I don’t know if my friends sent me an evite or commented on my blog or some old friend is trying to get back in touch. So I just check what is on the home page of yahoo and msn and get on with my work. (This was the idea when they blocked personal emails, kudos to those innovative and smart brains). While reading


Rainbow Originally uploaded by prabhaJha I was at Niagara over the weekend with my parents and MIL. It was long drive and quite tiring too, especially traveling with an infant. It was my 3rd trip and for the first time I saw multiple rainbows across the fall. It was a magical moment. I was stunned and mesmerized. It was also the first time that we drove across Rainbow Bridge to get a view of the fall from Canada. Seeing the complete fall as one was brilliant. Here is the link to (few) more pictures.

Have you noticed?

pratyush Originally uploaded by prabhaJha Have you noticed? Sometime last week I wanted to post a blog just about all the conversations that we hear in the office elevator. I take the elevator at least 6 times in a day. Believe me, it is pretty interesting (sometime informative) indeed. Often the speaker will invite you to join in while other times they will ignore your existence especially if it is something touchy. I can go on forever about all the things I have heard but while I was thinking about them all I noticed something. Since I have returned to work after 13 weeks of maternity, I have not heard a single conversation about recession, which was buzz word during my pregnancy. During DEC-JAN-FEB people just talked about recession, stocks, lay-offs and cutting back. There hasn’t been a single conversation and I have not noticed such media headline lately. There might be some but I bet it is not screaming out or people are done with it. They have chosen to go ahead with their live

O Women!

Kid's Ministry Postcard Front Originally uploaded by I work hard to bring me a status and satisfaction from myself. Extra special is that I also get compensated with a paycheck. That paycheck brings vacation plans, Dinner outside, some other luxury frills and a satisfaction of being able to save some at the end of the month. That also buys some future security. It also brings in the guilt for not being with my child for the most of the day. Even though all these decisions are made for family security and prosperity, our nuclear family or our immediate extended family irony is, I feel that I am alone in it, debating with myself day and night, every single moment of my wake life. I am always weighing the pros and cons. No matter what choice I make I am guilty for something else. So I register for Family child care business orientation seminar. Yesterday I was at the orientation for Family Child care business. It was from 6 PM – 8:00 PM. Though the location was c

Roots calling

Rooted and went to new house Originally uploaded by yoshiko314 Recently, I read a blog where the blogger talked about how our roots call out to us as we get old. It got me thinking. As I always like to plan ahead for things to happen in future, I was not worried about what will I do when my roots call out for me instead I started thinking what I can leave behind for my boys. Talking about roots, there will be few things they might try to find out about. The faith/ religion I do not think Hindus are that kind of minority which will lose its foot print in a generation or so. Growing up in NJ within the close knit circle of friends and families I presume faith and religion will be intact. Next is the question of celebrating festivities. Since it is our tendency to adjust the actual festival with the approaching weekend/weather, it will be too much to expect that they won’t do otherwise. Still celebrating the festivals the way they are supposed to, including most of the rituals (possib

Imagining things

tribeca-4261 Originally uploaded by Alta Marie Now I am mother of 2 and I am convinced that I must be the care taker of my kids until they are at least 2+ years. Well the older one will soon be off to Kindergarten and it leaves me with the newborn to care for. After returning back to work full time, I compromised with the idea and the baby is currently in custody of my parents + MIL for good 11 hours of the day. Well, I guess it is good for kids to be with there grandparents because they are not going to be there forever and these few years are when they are healthy , active and can take care of them. They bond together and create memories for life time. They will be here till ~ September and that’s when I plan to quit and be at home with the boys’ full time. After all they grow so fast and time flies and I must care for them when they need it the most. So far things sound pretty much normal but then start my wild imagination about how my life is going to change as I nestle. 1. I will

Dedicated to my handful readers.

the praying [duotone] Originally uploaded by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ (Being a non-HBH I can not help reacting to it either) - * Please refer to last blog for more on HBH. Recently a well-wisher of mine, by all good reasons (I mean it) suggested that why don’t I write some more useful stuff on my blog. It can be some articles that will attract masses. Something everybody can relate to. He also gave me an example (no names/place or events were quoted) that there has been instances where bloggers quit there job as they make enough money writing blogs. After all who does not want money, especially if you can get it by doing something you are doing anyways, you would rather get paid for it. It is like a Win-win-Win. I explained to my Well-Wisher that I have been writing in Hindi which should have attracted the Desi mass, also I wrote about 9/11 or the Wall street updates even a real story about people ready or getting ready with pink slips. I have also been writing book reviews since

A Human “Black-hole”

Railroad_08 Originally uploaded by Pro-Zak When I was kid I learned about Black hole in school. This is Wikipedia defined Black Hole: In general relativity, a black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, including light, can escape its pull. The black hole has a one-way surface, called an event horizon, into which objects can fall, but out of which nothing can come. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing. Only difference is that there is no gravitation pull involved with HBH, they only act as a one-way surface and reflect/react to nothing. Let’s call them HBH for short. Today I can not help myself from talking about the human black hole that I have been interacting with. Have you wondered sometimes that why all the ideas, suggestions or plans remain the words spoken and never become a discussion or get into action when shared with a particular individual? I bet you have. It is li

It is not just another day or may be it is.

Book Cover Originally uploaded by prabhaJha Today is a great day. I am feeling very inspired and really charged. Don’t know if it is because of the book I am reading (I will talk about it in a bit) or because tomorrow will be Friday. This Friday is important to me. Tomorrow not only will I finish my first week “back-to-work” but also I look forward to the June Bug Festival in Metuchen (for details please visit I wish to be part of it with my 5 year old. The event like chalk the walk, make the Murals and Create a hat getting me all charged up .Metuchen, NJ is a small historical town that I reside in. I instantly fell in love with this place since I visited in some 7 years back. A fine morning when I was driving through the downtown on tree lined street, I knew this is the place I want to be at. The small charming town has a historical significance and takes pride in promoting all kinds of art and culture. Recently I attended the Open Mic night with handful of other

Well - Here I am !!

praket Originally uploaded by prabhaJha Today is the third day that I am back to work. I never wanted to think about it while I was on STD ( short term disability – yes it is called disability ) and now I am here. It has been alright, I convince myself 15+ times a day that my baby is in good hands even if I am not there during the day to take care of him. I try to make most of it when I get home. As my parents are here I do not have much domestic obligations around the house, such as arranging kitchen and putting the laundry. It is a breeze in that sense. All I try to do is, hold my baby for as long as I can and also wake up (I look forward) to the 3 PM feeding. I wish he does not burp for real long and I can hold him and wait till he does to put back in the crib. Well, The maternity was quite long – full 13 weeks and I wonder what all did I do during that. Obviously a good 5 weeks went by in surgery and recovery. It was in the 4th week that I started driving to pick up my son from sc